How we deliver customer excellence
Satisfaction surveys
All our clients receive satisfaction surveys after any IT ticket has been closed, which allows them to give feedback and leave comments on how we performed. These statistics make up our customer satisfaction score, which is currently at 98.2% for the last 90 days.
Customer contact framework
If clients ever feel that we have not performed as well as we should and any neutral or negative feedback is received then this goes through a clear follow-up process. All neutral and negative responses are followed with a call from our Helpdesk Manager to find out more information, understand why there was any discontent and to then take this back to the teams during Operations meetings to determine any training or process improvements.
Staff training
All our staff have regular training, which covers both technical topics and soft skills, such as telephone skills or customer service. In-house training is based on staff requirements, company objectives and technology trends but we also help support getting staff certified through Microsoft.
Quality assurance checks
We carry our regular call monitoring quality assurance to ensure all staff are performing well and to then help support anyone that may need extra training or guidance.
Staff engagement
We believe happy and motivated staff help deliver excellent service so we invest in our staff and their engagement – from a great workplace to staff events and awards. As well as company-wide initiatives, we also offer team prizes and awards each month based on performance and gamification – displaying results through Power BI dashboards.

We would like to thank all of our staff for their fantastic work and also our clients for their positive reviews and feedback that have made this award possible.